Steve Roake - Cloudhoppers and Formula 1
Steve Roake is one of the leading advocates for Cloudhopping throughout Europe. From his base in the UK, Steve has spent the past 12 years producing the Cloudhoppers newsletter and this month, produced the 100th edition. A remarkable achievement.
Steve also runs the website and more recently the Cloudhoppers Facebook site which has over 1100 members ( In recognition of his tireless promotion of Cloudhopping, Steve has recently been made a brand ambassador for Cameron Balloons.
Steve has recently organised a World Record attempt for Cloudhoppers in conjunction with the 2017 Mondial Air Balloons in northern France, which aimed to set an initial World record for the most Cloudhoppers in the air at the same time.
Steve also has a long connection with motor racing having worked for McLaren Racing for nearly 30 years, using his background aviation skills. His working life has shaped his flying world with his loves of minimalism and engineering making him a perfect fit for a Cloudhopper pilot.
Steve doesn’t think he is worthy of being interviewed by the Aunty Monkey team, but have a listen and I think you will, like us, disagree.